
Laparoscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to look directly at your reproductive organs to diagnose and possibly treat problems that cannot be seen on a pelvic exam, on x-rays, or with other tests. The doctor inserts a long, slender, telescope-like instrument called a laparoscope through a small incision in your lower abdomen to view your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

To aid in the examination, the doctor may insert surgical instruments through the laparoscope or other tiny incisions. Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is used to help separate the organs inside the abdomen cavity, making it easier for the doctor to see the reproductive organs. The gas is removed at the end of the procedure.

Laser therapy may be used to treat certain conditions such as endometriosis.


Where is the procedure done?

The procedure is done in the outpatient surgical setting. The procedure time will vary depending on the reason for the procedure. The average time is 1- 1½ hours.

What do I need to do prior to the procedure?

The procedure is done under general anesthesia. Because of this, you cannot have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure. You may also be required to do a bowel prep the day before your surgery.

What can I expect after the procedure?

  • Mild discomfort : you may be given a prescription for a pain medication to be taken as needed
  • Sore throat: this is caused by irritation from a tube placed in your throat during anesthesia. It may last a few days and may helped by throat lozenges.
  • Incisions: the incision just below your navel will have one suture, which will dissolve. The tiny incisions near the pubic hair line will be covered with steri-strips, which may be removed 2-3 days after surgery.
  • Gas pains: you may experience some gas pains from the residual CO2 that may remain in your abdomen following the procedure. This pain usually presents as shoulder pain or sharp pain underneath your diaphragm. The pain is usually transient and will disappear in a day or two. It helps if you get up and move around while you are having this pain, and also if you drink either hot water or hot tea with fresh lemon. Heat, massage and exercise also help alleviate this pain. You may use over the counter anti-gas medication.
  • Activity: no heavy lifting for 12 hours after the procedure. You may return to normal activities, as you feel able.

When should I call the doctor?

Please notify our office if you experience:

  • Fever above 101 degrees.
  • Redness, swelling, or foul smelling odor from you incisions

Follow up for your future

The doctor will discuss the findings with your family immediately after surgery. You will need a follow-up appointment in 2-3 weeks to monitor your progress and to discuss further treatment.